The Africa’s IES Chapters Leaders Workshop, organized by the IES Growth Centre Project, served as a pivotal initatve dedicated to fostering the growth and expansion of IES Chapters throughout Africa. Under the expert guidance of Prof. Yousef Ibrahim, the Growth Centre Project Coordinator, the workshop aimed to strengthen communication and collaboration among all partcipating parties. The event commenced with a warm round of introductions and ice-breaking actities, setting a conducive atmosphere for engagement. Prof. Yousef Ibrahim and Prof. Antonio, along with Mr. Marek, delivered insightul presentations about IES and its actvities, each providing valuable perspectives within their respective fields. The subsequent round of presentations from IES Africa Chapters showcased the diverse initiatives underway across the continent. A pivotal part of the workshop involved a dynamic SWOT analysis session, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the Opportunities, Threats, Strengths, and Weaknesses within the context of IES Chapters in Africa. Following this, a roadmap workshop charted the course for future endeavors, outlining strategic steps to propel the growth and success of IES Chapters in the region. The workshop, characterized by its collaborative spirit and rich content, exemplified a commitment to enhancing the impact of IES across Africa.